All roadways are named with a field called Route ID. All West Virginia DOT route IDs in AASHTOWare Safety are unique numerical character strings that summarize all relevant data within the route. The Route IDs for each roadway follow specific criteria that is outlined below.
RouteID (current RouteID internally used by the GIS/LRS program) in Countywide Milepoint LRM:
Commas are not part of the RouteID. They are shown for viewing purposes.
Route IDs
1. Most RouteIDs have 13 characters/digits except for situations 2, 3, 4, & 5.
2 digit countycode, 1 digit sign system, 4 digit route, 2 digit subroute, 2 digit supplemental , 2 char direction
Example: 20201190017NB
2. For a ramp not part of an existing route*
2 digit countycode, 1 digit sign system, 4 digit route, 2 digit subroute, 2 digit supplemental , 2 char direction, 4 char exit, 1 char ramp letter.
Example: 20201190017NB058AF
Example: 20201190017NB0025C
3. For crossovers (emergency/dual geometry) * :
2 digit countycode, 1 digit sign system, 4 digit route, 2 digit subroute, 2 digit supplemental, 2 char direction (add 3 digit crossing milepoint or sequence number on second occurrence on same route)
Example emergency crossovers: 4040060292600
Example emergency crossovers: 4040060292600001
4. For a route of duplicate (regular crossovers and wyes)**:
2 digit countycode, 1 digit sign system, 4 digit route, 2 digit subroute, 2 digit supplemental, 2 char direction, 3 digit sequence number beginning with 001
Example: 0240032000200
Example: 0240032000200001
5. For railroads***:
2 digit countycode (99), 1 char sign system (R), 4 digit route, 2 digit subroute, 2 digit supplemental (99), 2 char direction (00)
Example: 99R0001019900
Explanation of */**/** Codes
*If the ramp is also part of an existing route, the routeid will remain the same as the connected route. Otherwise, the ramp routeid is the routeid for the highest sign system (interstate, us etc) or lowest route number if in same sign system with the addition of the exit number and ramp letter. The exit number is the mile point of the exit. Mile point is also used at the end of emergency crossover routeid.
** In creating the route layer in ArcGIS we drew lines over every segment of road. This created the possibility of additional lines not in the RIL. Currently these pieces are mainly undocumented wye segments. The decision was made to use the sequence number (exit segment) of the field to account for duplicate routeid designation. For the first instance of any route, the sequence number is blank. For the first duplicate, the sequence number would be 001 and increment as needed (example: 0240032000200 is the first wye on route 32. If second wye is present, routeid would be 02400320002000001).
*** Railroads in the LRS are only for WV State Rail Authority lines. County Code and sign system will always be 99 and R, respectively. Each line has a unique route number. Small spurs will be given the main line route number and a unique Sub Route number. Supp Code and Direction is 00.
County List
01 Barbour | 20 Kanawha | 39 Preston |
02 Berkeley | 21 Lewis | 40 Putnum |
03 Boone | 22 Lincoln | 41 Raleigh |
04 Braxton | 23 Logan | 42 Randolph |
05 Brooke | 24 McDowell | 43 Ritchie |
06 Cabell | 25 Marion | 44 Roane |
07 Calhoun | 26 Marshall | 45 Summers |
08 Clay | 27 Mason | 46 Taylor |
09 Doddridge | 28 Mercer | 47 Tucker |
10 Fayette | 29 Mineral | 48 Tyler |
11 Gilmer | 30 Mingo | 49 Upshur |
12 Grant | 31 Monongalia | 40 Wayne |
13 Greenbrier | 32 Monroe | 51 Webster |
14 Hampshire | 33 Morgan | 52 Wetzel |
15 Hancock | 34 Nicholas | 53 Wirt |
16 Hardy | 35 Ohio | 54 Wood |
17 Harrison | 36 Pendleton | 55 Wyoming |
18 Jackson | 37 Pleasants |
19 Jefferson | 38 Pocahontas |
Sign System
1 = Interstate |
2 = US |
3 = WV |
4 = CO |
5 = N/A |
7 = FANS |
8 = HARP |
9 = Other |
0 = MNS (Municipal Non-State) |
U = USFR- United state forest road |
R= Railroads (WV State Rail Authority) |
Supplemental Code
00 | Not Applicable |
01 | Alternate |
02 | Wye |
03 | Spur |
04 | North |
05 | South |
06 | East |
07 | West |
08 | business |
09 | North Bound (Business) |
10 | South Bound (Business) |
11 | East Bound (Business) |
12 | West Bound (Business) |
13 | Truck Route |
14 | Bypass |
15 | Loop |
16 | Toll |
17 | Ramp |
18 | Other |
19 | City Streets Non-State |
20 | Roads Under construction |
21 | Footbridges |
22 | Historical Bridges |
23 | Connector |
24 | New/Proposed |
25 | Crossover (btwn dual geometry) |
26 | Emergency Crossover |
27 | Left Turn Lane |
28 | Right Turn Lane |
99 | Abandoned |