Below is a list of frequently used fields for use in crash data analysis in New Jersey. Included are brief descriptions of each field and a definition of what criteria is included. Each field outlined below is created using data as imputed by the reporting officer on the NJTR-1 and aggregated for ease of use.
These are pre-calculated queries that are stored in an array if relevant to the individual crash event. In each of the cases below, the element is present in the crash event. Examples: Bicyclist crashes include one or more bicyclists, Curve-related is where crash occurred on a roadway curve.
Shows crashes where at least one cyclist was involved in the crash. This is a count of CRASHES involving one or more cyclists, NOT a count of cyclists involved in crashes.
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Curve Related – Shows crashes that occurred on a curved roadway.
Hazmat Involved – Shows the crashes where hazardous material was on board one of the vehicles involved in the crash. This is a count of crashes.
Head-On Collision – Shows the crashes that had a crash type of Opposite Direction – Head On/Angular and Opposite Direction – Side Swipe.
Live Animal Involved – Crashes involving Live Animals. Also includes cases where animal was not struck, but caused loss of control of vehicle resulting in a crash.
Motorcycle Involved – Crashes involving a motorcycle. Could include multiple motorcycles. This is a count of CRASHES involving one or more motorcycles, NOT the number of motorcycles involved in crashes.
Older Driver Involved – At least one of the drivers involved was 65 years of age or older. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more drivers were age 65 or older, NOT the number of older drivers involved in crashes.
Pedestrian Involved – Crashes where at least one pedestrian was involved in the crash. This is a count of CRASHES involving pedestrians, NOT the number of pedestrians involved in crashes. This is different than Crash Type = Pedestrian as not all pedestrian involved crashes resulted in the crash type as pedestrian. Crash type is defined by the greatest injury or damage producing event. In some cases, a vehicle/driver sustained greater damage than the pedestrian involved and the crash type results in (ex.) fixed object. Also, this will NOT return bicyclists unless a bicyclist was also involved in the crash event. This will NOT include crashes between bicyclist and pedestrian.
Run of Road Involved - Crashes where one of the Sequence of Events included Ran Off Road – Right or Ran Off Road – Left. This is a count of CRASHES involving motor vehicles running off the road at some point in the crash event. This is NOT the number of vehicles that ran off the road during a crash (i.e. one or more vehicles may have ran off the road during the same crash event). This is field is different than All Events/First Sequence of Events which allows the user to select Ran Off Road – Right OR Ran Off Road – Left. To identify a specific Run Off Road direction, select the appropriate direction from All Events.
Single Vehicle Crash – Indicates if this was a Single Vehicle Crash. This is a count of crashes.
Unrestrained Passenger Involved – Indicates if one or more of the occupants within a motor vehicle involved in the crash were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more occupants was unrestrained, NOT the number of unrestrained passengers in crashes.
Work Zone Related – Indicates if the crash took place within a Construction Zone, Utility Zone or Maintenance Zone. This is a count of crashes. It is different than the All Events and Veh_First_Sequence_of_Events fields.
Young Driver Involved - At least one of the drivers involved was between the ages of 16 and 20 years of age. This is a count of CRASHES involving a young driver and not the number of young drivers involved in crashes. This field is identical to the Crash Characteristics field where “Young Driver” is cited.