Below is a list of frequently used fields for use in crash data analysis in New Jersey. Included are brief descriptions of each field and a definition of what criteria is included. Each field outlined below is created using data as imputed by the reporting officer on the NJTR-1 and aggregated for ease of use.
Any questions can be directed to:
All Vehicle Contributing Circumstances – Will appear in an array in a single column. Each vehicle has up to two contributing circumstances and will array by vehicle (e.g. Vehicle 1, Vehicle 2, Vehicle 3, etc.). Example: Driver Inattention (V1), Following too Closely (V1), Driver Inattention (V2), None (V2).
DHTS Region – DHTS Region where the crash took place
All Events – All Sequences of events (1-4) for each vehicle involved in the crash. This variable is stored as an array. Each vehicle should have up to four sequences of events. They cascade in order (First, Second, Third, Fourth) and by Vehicle number (1, 2, etc.). Searching in this field will return all values where element existed in one of the sequence of events for any of the vehicles involved in the crash event. If you are looking for the FIRST sequence only, search for same terms under Veh_First_Sequence_of_Events.
Intersection – crashes taking place where one or more roads intersect with one another, or where roads intersect with railroads at grade level.
Pre Crash Vehicle Action – The action taking place for each vehicle leading up to the crash. Stored as an array corresponding to each vehicle involved in the crash (e.g. a two-vehicle crash could have a Pre Crash Vehicle Action: Changing Lanes, Going Straight Ahead). Array ordered by vehicle number. This is different than All Vehicle Contributing Circumstances.
SRI – Standard Route Identification number.
10-digit number used to identify roadways in NJ. SRI numbers can be found on the Straight Line Diagrams.
Total Incapacitated – Total persons, Motorists and Non-Motorists, that had an incapacitating injury because of the crash. This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of people were incapacitated. Example: searching for total incapacitated = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 people were incapacitated.
Total Injured – Total persons, Motorists and Non-Motorists, that had any injury, excluding fatal injury, because of the crash. This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of people were injured. Example: searching for total injured = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 people were injured.
Total Killed – Total persons, Motorists and Non-Motorists, that were killed because of the crash. This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of people were killed. Example: searching for total killed = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 people were killed.
Total Pedestrians Involved – Total Non-Motorists involved in the crash event. This also includes Bicyclists. This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of pedestrians/bicyclists were involved. Example: searching for total pedestrians involved = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 pedestrians were involved.
Total Vehicles Involved – Total number of VEHICLES involved in the crash event. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of vehicles were involved. Example: searching for total vehicles involved = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 vehicles were involved.