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Network Screening Ramps - App Overview
Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over 4 years ago

Network Screening allows users to generate a Ramps analysis. Network Screening - Ramps allows users to generate a custom network screening of all the ramps on their roadway network. Not only does this allow for a more targeted analysis of Ramps, but it also removes all identified ramps from the Network Screening - Segments application, allowing for a more meaningful Segment screening.

Network Screening Ramps allows users to rank their ramps using the following ranking criteria: Crashes, Fatalities, and ePDO. The ranked ramps are then displayed in the ranking table on the right side of the screen, and each ramp is plotted on the map, color-coded according to standard deviation.

A Sample Ramp analysis for a given county ranked according to ePDO.

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