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Oklahoma DOT - Route ID Naming Structure

This article breaks down the naming convention Oklahoma DOT has used for Route ID fields in AASHTOWare Safety.

Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over a week ago

All ODOT route ID’s in AASHTOWare Safety are unique 13 character strings that summarize all relevant data within the route, including the county code, Control, Suffix (roadway type), Lane ID, and Break Point

If you need help determining the route ID of a given stretch of roadway, click Here for the ODOT Route ID finder.

The breakdown of the route ID is outlined below using the sample Route ID: 51000066HX0000

County Code

The first two characters of every route ID make up the county code.

All ODOT counties are assigned a two-digit county code, starting with 01 and ending with 77.


The third through seventh characters of every route ID define the control. Each segment of roadway is assigned a sequential number per county.


The eighth character of every route ID makes up the Suffix. The suffix determines the classification of the roadway, using the values listed below.

  • H - Highway

  • P - Proposed Roadway

  • R - Ramp

  • F - Frontage Road

  • U, V, W, Y - Urban collector (UFC)

  • C - Rural Collector (RFC)

  • L - Local Road

  • N - Non-Roadway Element (NRE)

Lane ID

The ninth characters of every route ID make up the Lane ID.

Each route ID will have one of the following Lane ID’s:

  • X - Predominate Side, or Single Carriageway

  • N - North Side Control

  • W - West Side Control

Break Point

The tenth through thirteenth characters of every route ID makes up the Break Point, which represents the Predominate Side measure for the Non-Predominate Side beginning measure.

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