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Nebraska - Custom Filter Logic

This article summarizes the custom filters created for Nebraska and the logic behind them.

Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over 2 months ago

The following custom filters are available in AASHTOWare Safety for all Nebraska Users.

Roadway Departure

Still in Progress: Need to Verify Full List and Code Descriptions:

The Roadway Departure filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

First Harmful Event = Any of the following (Overturn/Rollover, Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion, Bridge Overhead Structure, Bridge Pier or Support, Bridge Rail, Guardrail Face, Guardrail End Terminal, Concrete Traffic Barrier, Traffic Sign Support, Other Post, Pole, or Support, Culvert, Curb, Ditch, Embankment, Fence, Mailbox, Tree (standing), Other Fixed Object (wall, building, tunnel, etc.), Work Zone/Maintenance Equipment, Unknown Fixed Object, Other Post, Pole or Support, Utility Pole/Light Support, Front-to-Front, Sideswipe Opposite)

Intersection Related

The Intersection Related filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

Specific Junction Location = Any of the following (Acceleration/Deceleration Lane, Crossover-Related, Driveway Access or Related, Entrance/Exit Ramp or Related, Intersection or Related, Other Location)


Within Interchange Area = Yes

Young Driver

The Young Driver filter searches the Person Table for the following criteria:

Age < 21


Occupant Type = Driver

Older Driver

The Older Driver filter searches the Person Table for the following criteria:

Age >= 65


Occupant Type = Driver

Impaired Driving

The Impaired Driving filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

Alcohol Involved = Y


Drug Involved = Y

Seat Belt Usage

The Seat Belt Usage filter searches the Person Table for the following criteria:

Restraint Use = Any of the following (Booster Seat, Child Restraint System - Forward Facing, Child Restraint System - Rear Facing, Child Restraint System - Type Unknown, Lap Belt Only Used, Restraint Used - Type Unknown, Shoulder & Lap Belt Used, Should Belt Only Used)

Rural Urban Designation

The Rural Urban Designation filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

Rural Designation


Urban Designation

RRL_URB_CDE = 2, 3, or 4

Crash Time Category

The Crash Time Category filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

Midnight to 02:59

When Time of Crash is Between 12:00 AM and 2:59 AM

03:00 to 05:59

When Time of Crash Is Between 3:00 AM and 5:59 AM

06:00 to 08:59

When Time of Crash is Between 6:00 AM and 8:59 AM

09:00 to 11:59

When Time of Crash is Between 9:00 AM and 11:59 AM

12:00 to 14:59

When Time of Crash is Between 12:00 PM and 2:59 PM

15:00 to 17:59

When Time of Crash is Between 3:00 PM and 5:59 PM

18:00 to 20:59

When Time of Crash is Between 6:00 PM and 8:59 PM

21:00 to 23:59

When Time of Crash is Between 9:00 PM and 11:59 PM

Railroad Involvement

The Railroad Involvement filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

Specific Location = Rail Grade Crossing


Most Harmful Event = Railway Vehicle (train, engine)


First Harmful Event = Railway Vehicle (train, engine)


Sequence of Events = Railway Vehicle (train, engine)

Pedestrian or Cyclist Involvement

The Pedestrian or Cyclist Involvement filter searches the Person Table for the following criteria:

Person Type = Any of the following (Bicyclist, Other Cyclist, Pedestrian, Other Pedestrian (wheelchair, person in a building, parked vehicle, skater, personal conveyance, etc.)

PM-1 Non-Motorist Performance Measure

The PM-1 Non-Motorist Performance Measure filter searches the Person Table for the following criteria:

Person Type = Any of the following (Bicyclist, Other Cyclist, Pedestrian, Other Pedestrian (wheelchair, person in a building, parked vehicle, skater, personal conveyance, etc.), Occupant of a Non-Motor Vehicle Transportation Device, Unknown Type of Non-Motorist)


Injury Status = Any of the following (Fatal Injury, Suspected Serious Injury)

  • Within Municipal Limits

    The Within Municipal Limits filter searches the Crash Table for the following criteria:

City Name ≠ NULL

Sequence of Events

The Sequence of Events filter combines the following fields, displayed as an array:

First Event, Second Event, Third Event, Fourth Event


The School filter searches the Public School Name and Private School Name point data sets for the following criteria:

  • Private School Name contains Elementary, then School = Elementary

  • Public School Name contains Elementary, then School = Elementary

  • Private School Name contains Middle School, then School = Middle School

  • Public School Name contains Middle School, then School = Middle School

  • Private School Name contains High School, then School = High School

  • Public School Name contains High School, then School = High School

  • Else School = Other

Crash Type

The Crash Type filter searches the First Harmful Event for the following criteria:

  • Angle

    Manner of Collision = Angle

  • Front-to-Rear

    Manner of Collision = Front-to-Rear

  • Sideswipe Same

    Manner of Collision = Sideswipe-Same Direction

  • Sideswipe Opposite

    Manner of Collision = Sideswipe-Opposite Direction

  • Front-to-Front

    Manner of Collision = Front-to-Front

  • Other Multi-Vehicle

    Manner of Collision = Any of the following (Other, Not Stated, Unknown, Rear-to-Rear, Rear-to-Side)

  • Collision with Train

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Rail Vehicle (train, engine)

  • Collision with Pedestrian

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Pedestrian

  • Collision with Bicycle

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Pedalcycle

  • Collision with Animal

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Animal (live)

  • Collision with Parked Vehicle

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Parked Motor Vehicle

  • Collision with Fixed Object

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Any of the following (Bridge Overhead Structure, Bridge Pier Or Support, Bridge Rail, Cable Barrier, Concrete Traffic Barrier, Culvert, Curb, Ditch, Embankment, Fence, Guardrail End Terminal, Guardrail Face, Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion, Mailbox, Other Fixed Object (Wall, Building, Tunnel, etc), Other Post Pole or Support, Other Traffic Barrier, Traffic Sign Support, Tree (Standing), Utility Pole/Light Support, Unknown Fixed Object)

  • Overturn

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Overturn/Rollover

  • Other Single Vehicle

    Manner of Collision = Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event ≠ Rail Vehicle (train, engine), Pedestrian, Pedalcycle, Animal (live), Parked Motor Vehicle, Not a Collision Between Two Motor Vehicles
    First Harmful Event = Any of the following (Bridge Overhead Structure, Bridge Pier Or Support, Bridge Rail, Cable Barrier, Concrete Traffic Barrier, Culvert, Curb, Ditch, Embankment, Fence, Guardrail End Terminal, Guardrail Face, Impact Attenuator/Crash Cushion, Mailbox, Other Fixed Object (Wall, Building, Tunnel, etc), Other Post, Pole or Support, Other Traffic Barrier, Traffic Sign Support, Tree (Standing), Utility Pole/Light Support, Unknown Fixed Object, Overturn/Rollover)

Societal Collision Cost Type

The Societal Collision Cost Type filter searches the First Harmful Event for the following criteria:

  • Urban Angle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Angle

  • Urban Front-to-Rear

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Front-to-Rear

  • Urban Sideswipe Same

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Sideswipe Same

  • Urban Sideswipe Opposite

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Sideswipe Opposite

  • Urban Front-to-Front

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Front-to-Front

  • Urban Other Multi-Vehicle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Other Multi-Vehicle

  • Rural Angle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Angle

  • Rural Front-to-Rear

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Front-to-Rear

  • Rural Sideswipe Same

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Sideswipe Same

  • Rural Sideswipe Opposite

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Sideswipe Opposite

  • Rural Front-to-Front

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Front-to-Front

  • Rural Other Multi-Vehicle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Other Multi-Vehicle

  • Urban Collision with Train

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Angle

  • Urban Collision with Pedestrian

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Collision With Pedestrian

  • Urban Collision with Bicycle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Collision With Bicycle

  • Urban Collision with Animal

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Collision With Animal

  • Urban Collision with Parked Vehicle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Collision With Parked Vehicle

  • Urban Collision with Fixed Object

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Collision With Fixed Object

  • Urban Overturn

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Overturn

  • Urban Other Single Vehicle

    Within Municipal Limits = Y
    Crash Type = Other Single Vehicle

  • Rural Collision with Train

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Angle

  • Rural Collision with Pedestrian

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Collision With Pedestrian

  • Rural Collision with Bicycle

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Collision With Bicycle

  • Rural Collision with Animal

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Collision With Animal

  • Rural Collision with Parked Vehicle

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Collision With Parked Vehicle

  • Rural Collision with Fixed Object

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Collision With Fixed Object

  • Rural Overturn

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Overturn

  • Rural Other Single Vehicle

    Within Municipal Limits = N
    Crash Type = Other Single Vehicle

HSO Filters

The following section outlines the logic for each custom filter with an "HSO" prefix.

  • HSO - Sobriety Checkpoints

    Drug Involved = Y


    Alcohol Involved = Y


    National Functional Classification NOT = Interstate

  • HSO - High Visibility Saturation Patrol

    Drug Involved = Y


    Alcohol Involved = Y

  • HSO - Youth Programs For Impairment

    Person Type = Driver


    Age < 21

    Alcohol Suspected = Y



    Suspected = Y

  • HSO - Drug Impaired Driving Enforcement

    Drug Involved = Y

  • HSO - High Visibility Seat Belt Enforcement

    Person Type = IN (Driver, Occupant)


    Restraint System = None Used - Motor Vehicle Occupant


    Improper Restraint Use = Y

  • HSO - High Visibility Child Restraint Enforcement

    Person Type = Occupant


    Age <12 AND Seating Position Row = 01


    Age < 2 AND Restraint System = 01-02, 04-11


    Age > 1 AND Age < 8 AND Restraint System = 05-11


    Age > 7 AND Age < 12 AND Restraint System = 06

  • HSO - High Visibility Speed Enforcement

    Person Type = Driver


    Speeding Related = IN (Exceeded Speed Limit, Racing, Too Fast for Conditions)

  • HSO - High Visibility Distracted Driving Enforcement

    Person Type = Driver


    Distracted Source = IN (Hands-free Mobile Phone, Hand-held Mobile Phone, Other Electronic Device, Vehicle-Integrated Device, Other Cell Phone Use Like GPS Navigation)

  • HSO - GDL and Zero Tolerance Enforcement

    Young Driver Involved = Y

  • HSO - Older Driver Law Enforcement

    Older Driver Involved = Y

  • HSO - Safe Routes To School

    Pedestrian Involved = Y


    1 Mile Proximity of School

  • HSO - Impaired Pedestrian Patrol

    Pedestrian Involved = Y


    Person Type = Pedestrian, Other Pedestrian


    Alcohol Suspected = Y


    Alcohol Test Result = Positive


    Drugs Suspected = Y


    Drug Test Results = Positive

  • HSO - Pedestrian Crash Vehicle Enforcement

    Pedestrian Involved = Y

  • HSO - Pedestrian Crash Pedestrian Enforcement

    Pedestrian Involved = Y


    Non-Motorist Contributing Circumstance = IN (Dart/Dash; Districted Walking/Running/Cycling; Failure to Obey Traffic Signs, Signals, or Officer; Failure to Yield Right-of-Way; Inattentive; Not Visible; In Roadway Improperly; Under the Influence of Drugs/Alcohol; Wrong-Way Riding or Walking)

  • HSO - Bicyclist Crash Vehicle Enforcement

    Pedalcycle Involved = Y

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