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User Roles and Permissions

An overview of the user roles and permissions for Numetric

Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over 9 months ago

Numetric allows Administrators to define user roles and permissions within their organization. For more information on user management, see the Adding Users, Removing Users, and Changing User Access/Roles articles.

Role Overview

Each Numetric user in your organization must be assigned one of the following roles:

Admin: Numetric Administrators have unrestricted access to all elements of Numetric, including all apps, data management, features, and security/user settings. Administrators cannot have unique customized permissions.

Regular: Regular users may have unique permissions defined specifically for their account. Regular user permissions can be customized on a per-user basis by any administrator.

Permissions Overview

Permissions are broken into three categories: Apps, Data Management, and Features, each outlined below.


Under the apps heading of the Permissions flyout, Administrators can define which applications each user can access and view in their dropdown menu. Administrators can grant each Regular user either No Access or Access to each application available in their Numetric account by clicking the appropriate radio button next to the application name in the Permission Flyout of the User section of their organization Settings.

In the example below, the user has been granted access to the Crash Query, Network Screening - Segments, Intersections, Ramps, Sliding Window Analysis, Safety Analysis, Dashboards, and Reports applications. However, they have not been given access to the Collision Diagrams, Project Design, or Predictive Analysis applications.

Regular Users with No Access to a given application will not see the application in their dropdown menu, nor will they be able to view shared queries/reports/screenings for applications they do not have access to.

Data Management

Under the Data Management heading of the permissions flyout, Administrators can define which Data Management tools the user will have access to. These permissions are broken into three categories, No Access, Can View, and Can Edit. By default, each user will have View access to Datasets, and No Access to Dictionary, Tables, Sources, Queues, Schemas, and Configuration. It is recommended that Regular Users not be granted access to these Data Management tools, as access to these tools has the potential to disrupt the underlying data powering the Numetric platform, and as such can cause unwanted disruptions in the data availability and accuracy of all applications.


Under the Features heading of the permissions flyout, Administrators can define which Features the user will have access to. By default, Regular users are not granted access to any features. The features available for your organization may vary depending on your specific Numetric instance. Administrators can check the Access box to grant access to the indicated feature from the Permissions flyout.

Edit Crashes

Users with the Edit Crashes feature have the ability to edit crash records in the system through the Crash Query, and Collision Diagrams application. Because this permission allows users the ability to permanently edit crash data, it is recommended that access to this permission be strictly controlled.

Edit SPFs

Users with the Edit SPFs feature have the ability to edit your agency’s specific Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) from the Predictive Analysis application. Note: it is important to verify that users with Edit SPF permissions also have access to the Predictive Analysis application, or they will not be able to view your agency’s SPFs.

Perform Economic Appraisals

Users with the Perform Economic Appraisals feature will be able to perform Economic Apprasials through the Safety Analysis application. To learn more about Economic Apprasials, see the Economic Appraisals article.

View Unsanitized Crash Reports

Users with the View Unsanitized Crash Reports feature have the ability to view unsanitized (not-redacted) crash reports from within the Crash Flyout. This is only available for agencies that have the ability to link to sanitized and unsanitized crash reports.

Lock Out

Under the Lock Out heading of the permissions flyout, Administrators can set a future lockout date for the selected user. When this date arrives, the user's account will be locked out, preventing them from logging in. Note: accounts may be locked out by any administrator.

After clicking the Set Future Lock Out button, the Lock Out User window will allow administrators to define the lockout date.

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