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Nebraska - SPF Groupings
Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over a year ago

Nebraska organizes its segments and intersections into the following categories to generate meaningful Safety Performance Functions (SPFs). Each segment or intersection is placed into a group based on the criteria outlined below. An SPF is generated using the observed crash data from each of the segments/intersections in the group. This SPF is then used to support network screenings with predicted and expected performance measures for each associated roadway.

Segment Grouping Criteria

  1. Urban Status

    1. Rural

    2. Urban

  2. Number of Lanes

    1. 2-Lane

    2. Multi-Lane

    3. Unknown

  3. One-Way Status

    1. One-Way

    2. Non-One-Way

  4. Expressway Status

    1. Expressway

    2. Interstate

    3. Other Roadway

  5. Surfaced Shoulder

    1. With Surfaced Shoulder

    2. Without Surfaced Shoulder

Intersection Grouping Criteria

  1. Number of Legs

    1. 2-Leg

    2. 3-Leg

    3. 4-Leg

    4. 5-Leg

    5. 6-Leg

    6. 7-Leg

    7. 8-Leg

  2. Urban Status

    1. Rural

    2. Urban

    3. Unknown

  3. Functional Classification

    1. Local Roadway

    2. Major Collector

    3. Minor Arterial

    4. Minor Collector

    5. Other Freeway and Expressway

    6. Other Principal Arterial

    7. Unknown Roadway

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