When viewing data in the Crash Query application, filters aid in narrowing down the information users have to sort through. The information below shows how each of the filters is displayed for the state of Oklahoma and which are recommended for use, not recommended for use, and which should be used with caution.
Example Layout - Filter Category |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
No color fill indicates recommended filter |
| Usage of recommended filters requires critical judgment when building a query or analyzing data, as always. |
Yellow cell indicates usage with caution |
| Use with caution means there are additional data precautions to consider when using a filter. This designation does not indicate a problem with the filter. |
Gray cell indicates non-preferred filter for that category. |
| Non-preferred means either the filter is not recommended for use in that category, or additional investigation is advised when using the filter. This does not mean that the filter is broken or unusable. The filter may be suitable for different queries. |
Note: This guidance is a reference document, and the best choices for your query may look different. This guide is meant to help standardize the filters that are used in queries and provide common filter precautions and data information.
Filter Categories |
Highway Filters |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Use with caution | I040, S019, U277 | The Highway filter narrows down the crash data based on the highway on which a crash occurred. This filter does not account for instances where there are concurrent routes (more than one named route along the same stretch of highway). If filtering for a highway route that shares any of its length with other routes, you may not see all crashes that took place along it if crashes were attributed to a different named route. Results are identical to ODOT Route results. |
ODOT Route
Use with caution | Interstate 40, State Route 19, U.S. Route 277 | The ODOT Route filter narrows down the crash data based on the highway on which a crash occurred. This filter does not account for instances where there are concurrent routes (more than one named route along the same stretch of highway). If filtering for a highway route that shares any of its length with other routes, you may not see all crashes that took place along it if crashes were attributed to a different named route. Results are identical to Highway results. |
ODOT Route (Concurrent Routes Included)
Use with caution | Interstate 40, State Route 19, U.S. Route 277; as an example, compare the results of ODOT Route and ODOT Route (Concurrent Routes Included) for State Route 3 | The filter "ODOT Route (Concurrent Routes)" will return crashes that occurred along the entire length of a named route, including any locations where there are concurrent routes (more than one named route along the same stretch of highway). To avoid counting crashes multiple times for multiple concurrent routes, do not use this filter in Chart Builder. |
Highway Related (non-OTA)
Use with caution | Yes, No | The filter "Highway Related (non-OTA) = Yes" will return crashes that occurred along the entire length of a named route, including any locations where there are concurrent routes (more than one named route along the same stretch of highway). To avoid counting crashes multiple times for multiple concurrent routes, do not use this filter in Chart Builder. |
Highway Class
Use with caution | City Street, County Road, ODOT Highway, OTA Highway | The filter "Highway Class = ODOT Highway" does not include crashes on Interstate Turnpikes (such as I-44/Turner Turnpike). |
Route ID (Location) | Route IDs with milepoint (MP) option: 7200080HX0000 MP 1.5 - 3.75 | Using the Route ID and milepoint may be more precise than a polygon, particularly in scenarios where a polygon is difficult to place. To identify a roadway's Route ID, please see the Master Roadway & Bridge Data Viewer at the ODOT ArcGIS Spotlight (https://spotlight-okdot.hub.arcgis.com/) . |
Turnpike Queries |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Turnpike Related | Yes, No | The filter "Turnpike Related = Yes" and the filter "Highway Class = OTA Highway" return the same results. |
Highway Class = OTA Highway | Highway Class options include: City Street, County Road, ODOT Highway, OTA Highway | The filter "Turnpike Related = Yes" and the filter "Highway Class = OTA Highway" return the same results. |
Highway = T000
Non-preferred filter | Highway filter options include highway names statewide: T000, I040, U077, S066 | The filter "Highway = T000" is not recommend for use in filtering for turnpike-related crashes. "Highway = T000" and "ODOT Route = Turnpike 0" do not return turnpike crashes statewide. "Highway = T000" will appear to return crashes that occurred on the Kilpatrick Turnpike, but does not return crashes exclusively on the Kilpatrick Turnpike. Some Highway routes (such as I044) that coincide with turnpikes are counted under the Interstate route as "Highway = I044" instead of "Highway = T000." |
ODOT Route = Turnpike 0
Non-preferred filter
| ODOT Route includes highway names statewide: Turnpike 0, Interstate 40, U.S. Route 77, State Route 66 | See notes for "Highway = T000." Not recommend for use in filtering for turnpike-related crashes. |
Intersections |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Intersection Type | Not an Intersection, Roundabout, Four-Way Intersection, etc. | The filter "Intersection Type = Not an Intersection" yields the same results as the filter "Intersection Related = No." The filter "Intersection Type = Unknown" yields the same results as "Intersection Related = Unknown." |
Intersection Related | Yes, No, Unknown | The filter "Intersection Type = Not an Intersection" yields the same results as the filter "Intersection Related = No." The filter "Intersection Related = Yes" includes all Intersection Types excluding Not An Intersection and Unknown. "Intersection Related = Unknown" yields the same results as "Intersection Type = Unknown." |
Intersection ID | Numeric values: 01000008, 05002275, 55001949, etc. | Intersection ID refers to the unique numeric ID that is assigned to every intersection. One way to identify an intersection's ID number within Crash Query is to navigate on the map to the intersection of interest. Select the "Filter to View" button on the right side of the map view or draw a polygon around the intersection(s). Show the Intersection ID in the Metrics tab by clicking Manage Metrics in the upper right corner of the righthand panel. |
Street Filters |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Route ID (Location) | Route IDs with milepoint (MP) option: 7200022UX0000 MP 10-12 | Using the Route ID and milepoint may be more precise than a polygon, particularly in scenarios where a polygon is difficult to place. Using the Route ID will also help avoid issues that may be present when using the Street Name (Segments) filter. To identify a roadway's Route ID, please see the Master Roadway & Bridge Data Viewer at the ODOT ArcGIS Spotlight (https://spotlight-okdot.hub.arcgis.com/). |
City |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
City (Geo) | City names: ADAIR, SAPULPA, TULSA | City (Geo) is available in the filter bar, but not available in the Raw Table. Crashes with missing latitude/longitude coordinates will not be included when using this filter. |
City (Mapped) | City names: ADAIR, SAPULPA, TULSA | City (Mapped) is available in the filter bar and in the Raw Table. City is identical to City (Geo) but does not apply a geo-polygon filter on the map window. Crashes with missing latitude/longitude coordinates will not be included when using this filter. |
County |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
County (Geo) | County names: Cleveland, Oklahoma | Crashes with missing latitude/longitude coordinates will not be included when using this filter. |
County (Mapped) | County names: Cleveland, Oklahoma | County Name (Mapped) is available on the filter bar and in the Raw Table. Crashes with missing latitude/longitude coordinates will not be included when using this filter. It is identical to County (Geo) but does not place a polygon boundary on the Crash Query map. This may be useful for editing a polygon filter when querying within a county (or counties), as polygon filters cannot be edited when a County (Geo) filter is active. |
County (Mapped and Crash Report)
Use with caution | County names, blanks, abbreviations: Caddo, Gra, Oklahoma, Not Listed On Report | County (Mapped and Crash Report) is available on the filter bar and in the Raw Table, referred to in this definition as the "combined" field. If a crash has a value under the field County (Mapped), the combined field contains the data from County (Mapped) only. If a crash has no data under County (Mapped) but does have data under County (From Crash Report), the data from the crash report is filled into the combined field. As a result, the combined field is more complete than County (Mapped), but it may contain inconsistent entries such as different spellings or abbreviations that come from the crash report. The combined field may be useful, especially if dealing with multiple crashes that are missing location and County (Mapped) data, but the user should be aware of limitations. |
Severity |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Crash Severity | (O) Property Damage-Only, (C) Possible Injury, (B) Suspected Minor Injury, (A) Suspected Serious Injury, (K) Fatal Injury, Not Stated
| Crash Severity, KA Collisions, and KAB Collisions filters are based on the highest level of Injury Severity that occurred per crash event. For example, a crash that resulted in one individual with a level A injury and one individual with a level C injury will have "Crash Severity = A". The filters KA Collisions and KAB Collision return records with the listed crash severities (like a "shortcut" filter). All filters behave as expected. |
KA Collisions | Yes, No | Please see the Crash Severity Description |
KAB Collisions | Yes, No | Please see the Crash Severity Description |
Injury Severity | (O) No Injury, (C) Possible Injury, (B) Suspected Minor Injury, (A) Suspected Serious Injury, (K) Fatal Injury, Unknown | The Injury Severity filter returns all crashes where at least one person sustained the filtered level of injury severity; other individuals involved may have sustained the same, lower, or higher levels of injury severity. This can result in Crash Severities differing from the Injury Severity filter. For example, filtering "Injury Severity = (O) No Injury" may produce results that include a Crash Severity of Suspected Serious Injury, where at least one individual involved in the crash sustained No Injury. |
Unsafe/Unlawful |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Unsafe/Unlawful (Consolidated) | Not Known or No Improper Act, Failed to Yield, Inattention, etc. | The Unsafe/Unlawful (Consolidated) filter groups similar Unsafe/Unlawful tags. For example, Followed too Closely (for): Traffic Condition and Followed too Closely (for): Human Element will both be included under the Consolidated group Followed too Closely. |
Unsafe/Unlawful Related | True, False | Unsafe/Unlawful Related filter will categorize a crash as "Unsafe/Unlawful Related = True" if at least one unit has an Unsafe/Unlawful action other than "Not Known or No Improper Act". Crashes marked "Unsafe/Unlawful Related = False" mean that every unit(s) involved had an Unsafe/Unlawful action of "Not Known or No Improper Act." |
Unsafe/Unlawful | Not Known or No Improper Act: No Improper Action by Driver, Failed to Yield: From Stop Sign, Inattention: Other, etc. | The Unsafe/Unlawful filter will provide specific filtering and can be a more reliable option for documentation and replication, compared to Unsafe/Unlawful (Consolidated). |
Harmful Events |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Any Event | Motor Vehicle in Transport, Departed Road Right, Overturn/Rollover, FO-Curb, etc. | This filter compiles data from fields Event 1, Event 2, Event 3, and Event 4 into one array field. For example, "Any Event = FO-Fence" will return crashes where "FO-Fence" was listed under any (or multiple) fields within Event 1/Event 2/Event 3/Event 4. |
First Harmful Event
Use with caution | Similar filter options as Any Events. | The First Harmful Event filter is not always identical to the Event 1 filter. This is a collision-level dataset derived from C Fst Harm Event Cde. |
First Harmful Event (V1)
Use with caution | Similar filter options as Any Events. | The First Harmful Event (V1) filter is not always identical to Event 1 or First Harmful Event. This is a unit dataset derived from Event Cde 1. |
Most Harmful Event | Similar filter options as Any Events. | The Most Harmful Event filter is not always the same as the First Harmful Event filter or Event 1 filter. |
Event 1/Event 2/Event 3/Event 4
Use with caution | Similar filter options as Any Events. | These fields may contain more than one event. For example, "Event 2" may contain the values "FO-Curb, Motor Vehicle in Transport". Filtering for only one event may cause crashes to be erroneously excluded from the query, as an event may fall under any of Events 1 through 4 depending on the crash. |
Driver Age |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Driver Age
Use with caution | Numeric values: 1, 20, 65, etc. | In many situations, the Driver Age filter may be best used with specific ranges, e.g. using "Driver Age between 15 to 21" instead of "Driver Age < 21". When using this filter, please note that many crash records have a Driver Age of 0. |
Driver Age (Including Unknown) | Text values: 16, 20, 65, Unknown, etc. | This field has been created based on Driver Age. Any blank ages, ages less than 5, and ages greater than 104 are classed as Unknown. Because this is a text field to include the Unknown result, it is not possible to filter by range (such as Driver Age > 25). |
Driver Age Group | Range of numeric values: 05 to 14, 15 to 20, etc. | Setting specific ranges with the Driver Age filter is suggested when needing a more detailed age range. |
ODOT Crash Summary; Younger Driver Related (<22) | Filter A) ODOT Crash Summary = Younger Driver Related | Younger Driver Related (which can be filtered through ODOT Crash Summary and as a standalone filter) includes all crashes where at least one driver involved (not necessarily all drivers involved) has a Driver Age between 5 and 21. |
ODOT Crash Summary; Older Driver Related (65+) | Filter A) ODOT Crash Summary = Older Driver Related | Older Driver Related (which can be filtered through ODOT Crash Summary and as a standalone filter) includes collisions where at least one driver involved (not necessarily all drivers involved) has a Driver Age between 65 and 104. |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Alcohol Related
Use with caution | Yes, No | The Alcohol Related filter is a Person level column and contains multiple Yes/No designations per crash. For a crash, Alcohol Related may indicate Yes while the Unsafe/Unlawful field and the DUI/DWI Related field do not show DUI of Alcohol for the same crash. Alcohol Related is consistent with Driver Condition (Drinking - Ability Impaired, Odor of Alcholic Beverage). Please check the Driver Condition field for additional information. |
Alcohol Related Driver
Use with caution | Yes, No | The Alcohol Related Driver filter is not available in the filter bar but is available in the Raw Table and Chart Builder. The filter "Alcohol Related Driver = Yes" correlates to "Driver Condition = Drinking - Ability Impaired" and "Driver Condition = Odor of Alcoholic Beverage." |
Drug Related
Use with caution | Yes, No | The Drug Related data at the crash level contains multiple Yes/No designations. "Drug Related = Yes" is based on "Unsafe/Unlawful = Driving Under Influence of Drugs." "Drug Related = Yes" does not match the Driver Condition for every record. |
DUI/DWI Related
Use with caution | Yes, No | The DUI/DWI Related data at the Crash Level contains multiple Yes/No designations. DUI/DWI Related is based on Unsafe/Unlawful involving alcohol. Crashes where "DUI/DWI Related = No" may also have "Alcohol Related = Yes" and Driver Condition = [alcohol-related result]. |
Use with caution | Driver Under Influence of Alcohol, Driving Under Influence of Drugs | The Unsafe/Unlawful filter will provide specific filtering options and may be more consistent for documentation and replication. Please be advised to check other filters for greater context. |
Driver Condition
Use with caution | Drinking - Ability Impaired, Drug Use Indicated, Odor of Alcoholic Beverage, Apparently Normal, etc. | This filter may provide greater context when searching for DUI/DWI-involved crashes. |
Seatbelt Usage |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Restraint Use
Use with caution | Shoulder and Lap Belt, Unknown, None Used, Child Restraints - Forward Facing, etc. | These filters may be best viewed in the Raw Table tab, in the "People" data level. A suggestion to easily determine individuals involved in the same crash is to add the Document ID column to the view and click the Document ID column heading to sort by it. The Restraint Use filter describes the type of restraint, but is not a complete dataset. |
Unrestrained Occupant Present
Use with caution | Yes, No, Unknown | Filtering for "Unrestrained Occupant Present = Yes" returns crashes where at least one individual had "Restraint Use = None Used" (other individuals in the crash may have used a restraint). "Unrestrained Occupant Present = No" returns crashes where no person had None Used or Unknown as Restraint Use. "Unrestrained Occupant Present = Unknown" returns crashes where any person had "Restraint Use = Unknown," but no person had "Restraint Use = None Used." As Restraint Use is not a complete dataset, Unrestrained Occupant Present is also not a complete dataset. |
# of Unrestrained Occupants
Use with caution | Numeric values: 0, 1, 2, etc. | This crash-level data is available in the Raw Table and refers to the number of unrestrained occupants involved in a given crash. |
ODOT Summary | ODOT Summary = Unrestrained | Filtering for "ODOT Summary = Unrestrained" returns crashes where at least one individual had "Restraint Use = None Used" (other individuals in the crash may have used a restraint). The filter "ODOT Summary = Unrestrained" will return the same results as "Unrestrained Occupant Present = Yes." |
Pedestrians |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
# of Total Pedestrians | Numeric values: 0, 1, 2, etc. | This filter will return the total number of pedestrians involved in each crash. |
Non-motorist Action
Use with caution | Not Applicable, Crossing Not at Intersection, Unknown, Improper Crossing, etc. | This filter includes data for crashes where "Pedestrian Related = Yes," but may also include crashes where "Bicycle Related = Yes." Some crashes have a non-motorist action listed but are not labeled as Pedestrian Related or Bicycle Related. |
Non-motorist Safety Equipment
Use with caution | None, Unknown, Helmet, etc. | This filter includes data for bicyclists as well as pedestrians. Using this filter with the "Unit Type = Pedestrian" filter can help ensure that the data only includes pedestrians. |
Unit Type = Pedestrian | Unit Type also Includes: Driver (vehicle), Pedestrian, Train, Bicyclist, etc. | The filter "Unit Type = Pedestrian" feeds into "Pedestrian Related = Yes." Using this filter with the Non-motorist Action filter can help ensure the data only includes pedestrians. |
Pedestrian Related | Yes, No | The filter "Pedestrian Related = Yes" is based on "Unit Type = Pedestrian" and "Unit Type = Pedestrian Conveyance." |
Bicyclists |
Filters | Example Values | Description |
Non-motorist Action
Use with caution | Not Applicable, Crossing Not at Intersection, Unknown, Improper Crossing, etc. | This filter includes data for crashes where "Bicycle Related = Yes," but may also include crashes where "Pedestrian Related = Yes." |
Non-motorist Safety Equipment
Use with caution | None, Unknown, Helmet, etc. | This filter includes data for pedestrians as well as bicyclists. Using this filter with the "Bicycle Related = Yes" or "Unit Type = Bicyclist" filter(s) may help ensure that the data only includes bicyclists. |
Unit Type = Bicyclist | Unit Type also Includes: Driver (vehicle), Pedestrian, Train, Bicyclist, etc. | The filter "Unit Type = Bicyclist" feeds into "Bicycle Related = Yes." |
Bicycle Related | Yes, No | The filter "Bicycle Related = Yes" is based on "Unit Type = Bicyclist." |