When building a Transformation for either a Table or a Dataset, you are often required to select a condition as part of the trigger statement for your transformation. These conditions are key operators in building a successful Transformation.
Below is a list of the conditions that can be applied to most Transformation, as well as a description of how that condition will impact your Transformation.
Is any of
Determines if the value of the cell matches any of the text or numerical or date values you enter.
Is not any of
Determines if the value of the cell does not match any of the text or numerical values you enter.
Is between
Determines if the value in the cell falls within a given range (available for numerical values only).
Is outside of
Determines if the value in the cell falls outside a given range (available for numerical values only).
Is greater than or equal to
Determines if the value in a cell is greater than or equal to a set value (available for numerical values only).
Is less than
Determines if the value in a cell is less than a set value (available for numerical values only).
Starts with
Determines if the text in the cell starts with the text indicated (available for text values only).
Ends with
Determines if the text in the cell ends with the text indicated (available for text values only).
Determines if the text in the cell contains the text indicated (available for text values only).
Is blank
Determines if the cell is blank.
Is True
Determines if the value in the cell is True(available for True/False data types only).
Is False
Determines if the value in the cell is False (available for True/False data types only).
Allows for a custom RegEx text string to search the values contained in the cell (available for text values only).