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NJDHTS Crash Analysis Tool – Data Documentation
NJDHTS Crash Analysis Tool – Data Documentation
Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over a week ago

Below is a list of frequently used fields for use in crash data analysis in New Jersey.  Included are brief descriptions of each field and a definition of what criteria is included. Each field outlined below is created using data as imputed by the reporting officer on the NJTR-1 and aggregated for ease-of-use.

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Crash Characteristics

These are pre-calculated queries that are stored in an array if relevant to the individual crash event.  In each of the cases below, the element is present in the crash event.  Examples: Bicyclist crashes include one or more bicyclists, Curve-related is where crash occurred on a roadway curve.

Bicyclist Involved – Shows crashes where at least one cyclist was involved in the crash. This is a count of CRASHES involving one or more cyclists, NOT a count of cyclists involved in crashes. 

Curve Related – Shows crashes that occurred on a curved roadway.

Hazmat Involved – Shows the crashes where hazardous material was on board one of the vehicles involved in the crash.  This is a count of crashes. 

Head-On Collision – Shows the crashes that had a crash type of Opposite Direction – Head On/Angular and Opposite Direction – Side Swipe.

Live Animal Involved – Crashes involving Live Animals. Also includes cases where animal was not struck, but caused loss of control of vehicle resulting in a crash.

Motorcycle Involved – Crashes involving a motorcycle. Could include multiple motorcycles. This is a count of CRASHES involving one or more motorcycles, NOT the number of motorcycles involved in crashes. 

Older Driver Involved – At least one of the drivers involved was 65 years of age or older. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more drivers were age 65 or older, NOT the number of older drivers involved in crashes. 

Pedestrian Involved – Crashes where at least one pedestrian was involved in the crash. This is a count of CRASHES involving pedestrians, NOT the number of pedestrians involved in crashes. This is different than Crash Type = Pedestrian as not all pedestrian involved crashes resulted in the crash type as pedestrian. Crash type is defined by the greatest injury or damage producing event. In some cases, a vehicle/driver sustained greater damage than the pedestrian involved and the crash type results in (ex.) fixed object. Also, this will NOT return bicyclists unless a bicyclist was also involved in the crash event.  This will NOT include crashes between bicyclist and pedestrian.

Run of Road Involved - Crashes where one of the Sequence of Events included Ran Off Road – Right or Ran Off Road – Left.  This is a count of CRASHES involving motor vehicles running off the road at some point in the crash event. This is NOT the number of vehicles that ran off the road during a crash (i.e. one or more vehicles may have ran off the road during the same crash event). This is field is different than All Events/First Sequence of Events which allows the user to select Ran Off Road – Right OR Ran Off Road – Left. To identify a specific Run Off Road direction, select the appropriate direction from All Events.

Single Vehicle Crash – Indicates if this was a Single Vehicle Crash. This is a count of crashes.

Unrestrained Passenger Involved – Indicates if one or more of the occupants within a motor vehicle involved in the crash were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more occupants was unrestrained, NOT the number of unrestrained passengers in crashes. 

Work Zone Related – Indicates if the crash took place within a Construction Zone, Utility Zone or Maintenance Zone. This is a count of crashes. It is different than the All Events and Veh_First_Sequence_of_Events fields.

Young Driver Involved - At least one of the drivers involved was between the ages of 16 and 20 years of age. This is a count of CRASHES involving a young driver and not the number of young drivers involved in crashes. This field is identical to the Crash Characteristics field where “Young Driver” is cited.

Driver Contributing Factors

These are pre-calculated queries that are stored as an array. In each of the cases below, the element is present in the CRASH event.  Examples: Distracted Driving is one or more drivers was cited as Driver Inattention as their first or second Contributing Circumstance; Drowsy Fatigued Driving is one or more drivers had a physical status of drowsy or fatigued. (Example: Unsafe Speed in the Driver Contributing Factors field is the same as Unsafe Speed in the Unsafe Speed field).

Alcohol Involved - Shows crashes where at least one person involved was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the crash.  This includes drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. Vehicle occupants other than the driver are not part of this definition. 

Cell Phone Related Crashes – Shows the crashes where the driver was cited for using their cell phone at the time of the crash.  This field is populated through witness accounts and voluntary admission and may not include all crashes where cell phone was in use. It is indicated through the Vehicle Contributing Circumstances (1+2) fields: Distracted – Handheld Electronic Device, Distracted – Hands Free Electronic Device.  

Distracted Driving Involved – Crashes defined where any driver involved had either Contributing Circumstance (CC) 1 OR 2 cited as Driver Inattention, Distracted – Handheld Electronic Device, Distracted – Hands Free Electronic Device, Distracted by Passenger, Other Distraction Inside Vehicle, Other Distraction Outside Vehicle. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more drivers were cited for Driver Inattention, NOT the number of distracted drivers involved in crashes. 

Drowsy Driving Involved - Crashes defined where any driver involved had a Driver Physical Status as either Fatigue or Fell Asleep. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more drivers were cited for Fatigue or Fell Asleep, NOT the number of drowsy drivers involved in crashes. 

Drugged Driving – Defined as one or more drivers involved in the crash had the Driver Physical Status (1 or 2) listed as “Drug Use (Illicit)” or “Medication.” This definition does NOT include crashes where “Alcohol and Drug Use (Illicit or Medication) was cited as the Driver Physical Status. This is a count of CRASHES involving one or more drivers with Drug Use was cited, NOT the number of drugged drivers involved in crashes. 

Unsafe Speed Involved - Defined as a driver involved in the crash had either Contributing Circumstance 1 (CC1) or Contributing Circumstance 2 (CC2) cited as Unsafe Speed. This is a count of CRASHES where one or more drivers was cited for unsafe speed, NOT the number of drivers speeding. 

Frequently Used Fields

All Vehicle Contributing Circumstances – Will appear in an array in a single column. Each vehicle has up to two contributing circumstances and will array by vehicle (e.g. Vehicle 1, Vehicle 2, Vehicle 3, etc.). Example: Driver Inattention (V1), Following too Closely (V1), Driver Inattention (V2), None (V2).

DHTS Region – DHTS Region where the crash took place

All Events – All Sequences of events (1-4) for each vehicle involved in the crash.  This variable is stored as an array. Each vehicle should have up to four sequences of events. They cascade in order (First, Second, Third, Fourth) and by Vehicle number (1, 2, etc.). Searching in this field will return all values where element existed in one of the sequence of events for any of the vehicles involved in the crash event.  If you are looking for the FIRST sequence only, search for same terms under Veh_First_Sequence_of_Events.

Intersection – crashes taking place where one or more roads intersect with one another, or where roads intersect with railroads at grade level.

Pre Crash Vehicle Action – The action taking place for each vehicle leading up to the crash. Stored as an array corresponding to each vehicle involved in the crash (e.g. a two-vehicle crash could have a Pre Crash Vehicle Action: Changing Lanes, Going Straight Ahead). Array ordered by vehicle number. This is different than All Vehicle Contributing Circumstances.

SRI – Standard Route Identification number.

  • 10-digit number used to identify roadways in NJ. SRI numbers can be found on the Straight Line Diagrams.

Total Incapacitated – Total persons, Motorists and Non-Motorists, that had an incapacitating injury because of the crash.  This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of people were incapacitated. Example: searching for total incapacitated = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 people were incapacitated.

Total Injured – Total persons, Motorists and Non-Motorists, that had any injury, excluding fatal injury, because of the crash.  This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of people were injured. Example: searching for total injured = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 people were injured.

Total Killed – Total persons, Motorists and Non-Motorists, that were killed because of the crash.  This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of people were killed. Example: searching for total killed = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 people were killed.

Total Pedestrians Involved – Total Non-Motorists involved in the crash event.  This also includes Bicyclists. This is a count of BODIES. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of pedestrians/bicyclists were involved. Example: searching for total pedestrians involved = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 pedestrians were involved.

Total Vehicles Involved – Total number of VEHICLES involved in the crash event. Searching for a specific number will return crashes where only that number of vehicles were involved. Example: searching for total vehicles involved = 2 will return ONLY those crashes where 2 vehicles were involved.

Behavioral Countermeasures

Based on NHTSA Countermeasures that work (Ninth Edition)

BC: High Visibility Cell Phone and Distracted Driving Enforcement – Identifies crash locations where High Visibility enforcement for distracted driving and cell phone use would be the most suitable.

BC: Law Enforcement Roles – Older Drivers – Identifies the crash locations where high volumes of Older Driver (65+) are involved in crash events. Provides guidance on communities that have an over representation of older driver involved crashes.

BC: High Visibility Speed Enforcement – Identifies the locations of crashes that resulted in unsafe speed. Assists in targeting speed enforcement hot-spots. 

BC: High Visibility Saturation Patrol – Impairment – Identifies the crash locations where High Visibility enforcement for impaired driving (Alcohol and Drugs) would be the most suitable.

BC: Publicized Sobriety Checkpoints – Similar to the High Visibility Saturation Patrol – Impairment countermeasure, this countermeasure identifies the best suited locations to establish DUI/DWI checkpoints to address impaired driving. This removes impaired driving crashes taking place on roadways not suitable for checkpoints.

BC: Short Term, High Visibility Seat Belt Enforcement – Identifies the crash locations with high-volumes of crashes where one-or-more occupants was not wearing their seatbelt to determine best-suited locations for high visibility seat belt enforcement efforts.

Enforcement of Drug Impaired Driving - Identifies the crash locations where High Visibility enforcement for impaired driving (Drugs only) would be the most suitable.

Youth Program-Impairment – Identifies the crash locations of impaired (drugs and alcohol) young drivers (16-20 years old) where targeted enforcement and educational outreach programs would dbe best suited.

Enforcement of GDL and Zero-Tolerance Laws – Identifies the locations of young driver involved crashes to assist communities in determining target audiences for teen driving education and community awareness. 

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