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UDOT - UTAPS Rollup Definitions
Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over a week ago


Yes/No Field

Driver Condition = 5 - Under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs/Medications


Person Type = 1 - Driver


Test Results = 1 - Alcohol-Pos, 2 - Drug-Pos, 3 - Both-Pos

Alcohol Suspected

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 1 - Driver


Alcohol/Drug Use Suspected = 1 - Alcohol, 3 - Both


Person Type = 1 - Driver


Test Result = 1 - Alcohol-Pos, 3 - Both-Pos

Drugs Suspected

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 1 - Driver


Alcohol/Drug Use Suspected = 2 - Drugs, 3 - Both


Person Type = 1 - Driver


Test Results = 2 - Drug-Pos, 3 - Both-Pos

Reckless/Aggressive Driving

Yes/No Field

Driver Contributing Circumstances = 12 - Reckless/Aggressive (retired), 22 - Reckless Driving, 23 - Aggressive Driving/Road Rage

Distracted Driving

Yes/No Field

Driver Distracted Source (formerly “Driver Distraction”) = 1 - Cell Phone (retired), 2 - Radio/CD/DVD etc., 3 - Other Electronic Device (retired), 4 - Passengers, 5 - Texting (retired), 6 - TV/Monitor (retired), 7 - Other Inside (retired), 8 - Other External (retired), 9 - Hand-Held Mobile Phone, 10 - Hands-Free Mobile Phone, 11 - Audio (using vehicle controls), 12 - Climate Control, 13 - Vehicle-Integrated device, 14 - Other Electronic Device, 15 - Animal (inside vehicle), 16 - Food/Drink, 17 - Grooming, 18 - Other Inside Distraction, 19 - Other Outside Distraction, 97 - Other (retired)


Driver Distracted Action = 1 - Talking/Listening, 2 - Manually Operating (texting, dialing, playing games, etc.), 3 - Other Action

Drowsy Driving

Yes/No Field

Driver Condition = 3 - Fatigue/Asleep

Speed Related

Yes/No Field

Driver Contributing Circumstances = 1 - Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (retired), 2 - Too Fast for Conditions (retired), 21 - Street Racing (retired)


Speeding-Related = 2 - Yes, Exceeded Speed Limit, 3 - Yes, Too Fast for Conditions, 4 - Yes, Street Racing

Speed Over

Unique Value per Vehicle

Assign “999” IF

Posted Speed = 0, empty, null, invalid, unknown, or other non-integer


Estimated Travel Speed = empty, null, invalid, unknown, or other non-integer


Posted Speed > 100


Estimated Travel Speed > 160

Assign “0” IF

Est Travel Speed minus Posted Speed ≤ 0

Assign result of (Est Travel Speed minus Posted Speed) IF

Est Travel Speed minus Posted Speed > 0

Max Speed Over

Crash rollup from Vehicle “Speed Over” field

Assign the greatest “Speed Over” value from vehicles involved in the Crash. Ignore “999” values when determining greatest “Speed Over”. Assign “999” if there aren’t any non-999 integer values for vehicles in that crash.

Zero Aggressive

Yes/No field

Driver Contributing Circumstances = 1 - Exceeded Posted Speed Limit (retired), 2 - Too Fast for Conditions (retired), 12 - Reckless/Aggressive (retired), 21 - Street Racing (retired), 22 - Reckless Driving, 23 - Aggressive Driving/Road Rage


Speeding-Related = 2 - Yes, Exceeded Speed Limit, 3 - Yes, Too Fast for Conditions, 4 - Yes, Street Racing

Improper Restraint

Yes/No Field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 1 - Passenger Car, 2 - Passenger Car (4 door) (retired), 3 - Station Wagon (retired), 4 - Pickup, 5 - Sport Utility Vehicle, 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired), 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 18 - RV/Motor Home, 24 - Cargo Van, 25 - Passenger Van (<9 seats), 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 1 - Lap & Shoulder Belt, 2 - Shoulder Belt Only, 3 - Lap Belt Only, 4 - Child Restraint - Forward Facing, 5 - Child Restraint - Rear Facing, 6 - Booster Seat, 9 - Child Restraing - Other Type, 13 - Stretcher, 14 - Wheelchair, 97 - Other


Any Indication of Improper Use = 2 - NOT used Poperly (retired), 4 - (Yes) - Not Used Properly

Improper Restraint Level 4 Count

Count of People

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 1 - Passenger Car, 2 - Passenger Car (4 door) (retired), 3 - Station Wagon (retired), 4 - Pickup, 5 - Sport Utility Vehicle, 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired), 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 18 - RV/Motor Home, 24 - Cargo Van, 25 - Passenger Van (<9 seats), 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 Seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 1 - Lap & Shouler Belt, 2 - Shoulder Belt Only, 3 - Lap Belt Only, 4 - Child Restraint - Forward Facing, 5 - Child Restraint - Rear Facing, 6 - Booster Seat, 9 - Child Restraint - Other Type, 13 - Stretcher, 14 - Wheelchair, 97 - Other


Any Indication of Improper Use = 2 - NOT Used Properly (retired), 4 - (Yes) - Not Used Properly.

Improper Restraint Fatalities Count

Count of People

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 1 - Passenger Car, 2 - Passenger Car (4 door) (retired), 3 - Station Wagon (retired), 4 - Pickup, 5 - Sport Utility Vehicle, 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired), 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 18 - RV/Motor Home, 24 - Cargo Van, 25 - Passenger Van (<9 seats), 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 1 - Lap & Shoulder Belt, 2 - Shoulder Belt Only, 3 - Lap Belt Only, 4 - Child Restraing - Forward Facing, 5 - Child Restraint - Rear Facing, 6 - Booster Seat, 9 - Child Restraint - Other Type, 13 - Stretcher, 14 - Wheelchair, 97 - Other


Any Indication of Improper Use = 2 - NOT Used Properly (retired), 4 - (Yes) - Not Used Properly


Yes/No Field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 1 - Passenger Car, 2 - Passenger Car (4 door) (retired), 3 - Station Wagon (retired), 4 - Pickup, 5 - Sport Utility Vehicle, 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired), 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 18 - RV/Motor Home, 24 - Cargo Van, 25 - Passenger Van (<9 seats), 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 0 - None

Unrestrained Level 4 Count

Count of People

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 1 - Passenger Car, 2 - Passenger Car (4 door) (retired), 3 - Station Wagon (retired), 4 - Pickup, 5 - Sport Utility Vehicle, 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired), 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 18 - RV/Motor Home, 24 - Cargo Van, 25 - Passenger Van (<9 seats), 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 0 - None


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

Unrestrained Fatalities Count

Count of People

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 1 - Passenger Car, 2 - Passenger Car (4 door) (retired), 3 - Station Wagon (retired), 4 - Pickup, 5 - Sport Utility Vehicle, 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired), 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 18 - RV/Motor Home, 24 - Cargo Van, 25 - Passenger Van (<9 seats), 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 0 - None


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Improper Helmet Use

Count of People

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 12 - Motorcycles (retired), 16 - Motorized Scoter/Moped/Motorized Bicycle, etc., 22 - Motorcycle (2 wheels), 23 - Motorcycle (3 wheels)


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 7 - Helmet (retired), 8 - Helmet Plus Other (retired), 10 - Motorcycle Helmet, DOT-Compliant, 11 - Helmet, Other Than DOT-Compliant Motorcycle Helmet, 12 - Helmet, Unknown if DOT-Compliant


Any Indication of Improper Use = 2 - No

No Helmet Used

Count of People

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 12 - Motorcycles (retired), 16 - Motorized Scoter/Moped/Motorized Bicycle, etc., 22 - Motorcycle (2 wheels), 23 - Motorcycle (3 wheels)


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger


Safety Equipment Used = 0 - None

Intersection Related

Yes/No Field

Roadway/Junction Feature = 20 - 4 Leg Intersection, 21 - T-Intersection, 22 - Y-Intersection, 23 - 5-Leg or More Intersection, 24 - Roundabout/Traffic Circle, 25 - Ramp Intersection With Crossorad, 26 - Multi Use Path/Trail Intersection

Adverse Weather

Yes/No Field

Weather Condition = 3 - Rain, 4 - Snowing, 5 - Blowing Snow, 6 - Sleet Hail, 7 - Fog Smog, 8 - Severe Crosswinds, 9 - Blowing Sand Soil Dirt (retired)

Adverse Roadway Surface Condition

Yes/No Field

Roadway Surface Condition = 2 - Wet, 3 - Snow, 4 - Slush, 5 - Ice/Frost, 6 - Water (standing, moving), 7 - Mud, 8 - Sand, Dirt, Gravel (retired), 7 - Mud, 8 - Sand, Dirt, Gravel (retired), 9 - Oil, 10 - Dirt, 11 - Gravel, 12 - Sand, 97 - Other


Roadway Contributing Circumstances = 3 - Road Surface Condition (web, icy, snow, slush, etc.)

Roadway Gemoetry Related

Yes/No Field

Horizontal Alignment = 2 - Curve (retired), 3 - Curve Left, 4 - Curve Right


Vertical Alignment = 2 - Grade (retired), 3 - Hillcrest, 4 - Sag (bottom), 5 - Uphill, 6 - Downhill

Wild Animal Related

Yes/No Field

Sequence of Events 1 = 25 - Animal-Wild


Sequence of Events 2 = 25 - Animal-Wild


Sequence of Events 3 = 25 - Animal-Wild


Sequence of Events 4 = 25 - Animal-Wild


Most Harmful Event = 25 - Animal-Wild


First Harmful Event = 25 - Animal-Wild

Domestic Animal Related

Yes/No Field

Sequence of Events 1 = 25 - Animal-Domestic


Sequence of Events 2 = 25 - Animal-Domestic


Sequence of Events 3 = 25 - Animal-Domestic


Sequence of Events 4 = 25 - Animal-Domestic


Most Harmful Event = 25 - Animal-Domestic


First Harmful Event = 25 - Animal-Domestic

Animal Related

Yes/No Field

Sequence of Events 1 = 25 - Animal-Wild, 26 - Animal-Domestic


Sequence of Events 2 = 25 - Animal-Wild, 26 - Animal-Domestic


Sequence of Events 3 = 25 - Animal-Wild, 26 - Animal-Domestic


Sequence of Events 4 = 25 - Animal-Wild, 26 - Animal-Domestic


Most Harmful Event = 25 - Animal-Wild, 26 - Animal-Domestic


First Harmful Event = 25 - Animal-Wild, 26 - Animal-Domestic


Roadway Contributing Circumstances = 8 - Animal Caused Evasive Action

Pedestrian Involved

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 3 - Pedestrian, 5 - Other Pedestrian (wheelchair, skater, personal conveyance, etc.)

Pedestrian Level 4 Count

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 3 - Pedestrian, 5 - Other Pedestrian (wheelchair, skater, personal conveyance, etc.)


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

Pedestrian Fatalities Count

Count of People

Person Type = 3 - Pedestrian, 5 - Other Pedestrian (wheelchair, skater, personal conveyance, etc.)


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Cyclist Involved

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 4 - Pedalcyclist

Cyclist Level 4 Count

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 4 - Pedalcyclist


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

Cyclist Fatalities Count

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 4 - Pedalcyclist


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Motorcycle Involved

Yes/No field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 12 - Motorcycle (retired), 16 - Motorized Scooter/Moped/Motorized Bicycle, etc., 22 - Motorcycle (2 wheels), 23 - Motorcycle (3 wheels)

Motorcyclist Level 4 Count

Yes/No field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 12 - Motorcycle (retired), 16 - Motorized Scooter/Moped/Motorized Bicycle, etc., 22 - Motorcycle (2 wheels), 23 - Motorcycle (3 wheels)


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

Motorcyclist Fatalities Count

Yes/No field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 12 - Motorcycle (retired), 16 - Motorized Scooter/Moped/Motorized Bicycle, etc., 22 - Motorcycle (2 wheels), 23 - Motorcycle (3 wheels)


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Roadway Departure

Yes/No Field

Driver Contributing Circumstances = 15 - Ran Off Road


Sequence of Events 1 = 1 - Ran Off Road Right (retired), 2 - Ran Off Road Left (retired), 3 - Crossed Median/Centerline (retired), 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Acces Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, Pole or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 55 - Traffic Sign Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shrubbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant (retired), 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65 - Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object, 80 - Crossed Centerline, 81 - Crossed Median, 82 - End Departure (T-Intersection, dead-end, etc.), 85 - Ran off Road Left, 86 - Ran off Road Right

Vehicle Overturn/Rollover

Yes/No Field

Sequence of Events 1 = 7 - Overturn/Rollover


Sequence of Events 2 = 7 - Overturn/Rollover


Sequence of Events 3 = 7 - Overturn/Rollover


Sequence of Events 4 = 7 - Overturn/Rollover


Most Harmful Event = 7 - Overturn/Rollover


First Harmful Event = 7 - Overturn/Rollover

Motor Carrier Involved

Yes/No Field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 13 - School Bus, 14 - Bus/Motorcoach (not school) (retired), 15 - Farm Equipment (tractor, combine, etc.), 24 - Cargo Van, 26 - Passenger Van (9-12 seats), 27 - Passenger Van (15 seats), 28 - Limousine, 29 - Transit Bus, 30 - Motorcoach, 31 - Other Bus Type


Motor Vehicle Body Type = 6 - Van or Mini Van (retired)


Cargo Bodty Type = 3 - Bus/Van (seats for 9-15 people, including driver) (retired), 4 - Bus (seats more than 15 people, including driver) (retired)


Motor Vehicle Body Type = 19 - Non Motor Vehicle (retired)


Trailing Units = 7 - Semi-Trailer - Single, 8 - Semi-Trailer - Doubles, 9 - Semi-Trailer - Triples


Special Function of Motor Vehicles = 3 - Ambulance Emergency, 4 - Ambulance Non-Emergency, 5 - Fire Emergency, 6 - Fire Non-Emergency, 7 - Snowplow in Use, 8 - Tow Truck In Use, 9 - Roadway/Maintenance In Use, 10 - Mail Carrier, 11 - Military, 12 - Public Utility, 13 - Incident Management, 14 - Taxi


Gross Carrier Weight = 2 - 10,001 - 26,000 lbs, 3 - MORE THAN 26,000 lbs


USDOT Number = Not Empty (any entry = true)


Carrier Name = Not Empty (any entry = true)

Commercial Motor Vehicle Involved

Yes/No Field

Motor Carrier Involved ≠ N, Null/Empty

Interstate Highway

Yes/No Field

Route = 0015, 0070, 0080, 0084, 0215

Teen Driver Involved

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 1 - Driver


Age_Calculated [between] 15-19

Teen Level 4 Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [between] 13-19


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

Teen Fatalities Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [between] 13-19


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Older Driver Involved

Yes/No Field

Person Type = 1 - Driver


Age_Calculated [Between] 65 -110

Senior Level 4 Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [Between] 65 - 110


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

Senior Fatalities Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [Between] 65 - 110


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Senior Pedestrian Fatalities Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [Between] 65 - 110


Person Type = 3 - Pedestrian, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

School Aged Level 4 Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [Between] 5 -18


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury

School Aged Fatalities Count

Count of People

Age_Calculated [Between] 5 -18


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian


Injury Level = 5 - Fatal

Disregard Traffic Control Device

Yes/No Field

Driver Contributing Circumstances = 7 - Disregard Traffic Signs, 8 - Disregard Traffic Signals

Wrong Way Driving

Yes/No Field

Driver Contributing Circumstances = 13 - Wrong Side/Wrong Way


Yes/No Field

Office Department Name [Contains] UHP


Officer Department Code [Contains] UHP

UHP Section

Unique Value

Officer Department Code:


UTUHP0100 = 11 - Cedar

UTUHP0200 = 7 - Summit

UTUHP0300 = 3 - Farmington

UTUHP0400 = Not Used

UTUHP0500 = 12 - St. George

UTUHP0600 = 1 - Brigham

UTUHP0700 = 13 - Moab

UTUHP0800 = 14 - Nephi

UTUHP0900 = 9 - Price

UTUHP1000 = 6 - Orem

UTUHP1100 = 12 - Richfield

UTUHP1200 = 2 - Ogden

UTUHP1300 = 4 - Salt Lake

UTUHP1400 = 12 - St. George

UTUHP1500 = 8 -Toole

UTUHP1600 = Not Used

UTUHP1700 = 5 - Vernal

UTUHP1800 = 11 - Cedar

UTUHP1900 = 1 - Brigham

Route Type

Unique Values


1-99, 89A = “S” (state route)

1000-9999 = “F” (federal aid route)

10000+ = “L” (local route)

Night or Dark Condition

Yes/No Field

Light Conditon = 2 - Dark-Lighted, 3 - Dark-Not Lighted, 4 - Dark-Unknown Lighting

Single Vehicle

Yes/No Field

Number of Vehicles = 1

Train Involved

Yes/No Field

Sequence of Events 1 = 28 - Freight Rail, 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Sequence of Events 2 = 28 - Freight Rail, 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Sequence of Events 3 = 28 - Freight Rail, 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Sequence of Events 4 = 28 - Freight Rail, 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Most Harmful Event = 28 - Freight Rail, 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


First Harmful Event = 28 - Freight Rail, 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail

Transit Vehicle Involved

Yes/No Field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 13 - School Bus, 14 - Bus/Motorcoach (not school) (retired), 29 - Transit Bus, 30 - Motor Coach, 31 - Other Bus Type


Sequence of Events 1 = 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Sequence of Events 2 = 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Sequence of Events 3 = 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Sequence of Events 4 = 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


Most Harmful Event = 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail


First Harmful Event = 29 - Light Rail, 30 - Passenger Heavy Rail

Railroad Crossing

Yes/No Field

Roadway Junction Feature = 2 - Railroad Crossing

Collision with Fixed Object

Yes/No Field

Sequence of Events 1 = 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Access Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, POle or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shurbbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant, 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65- Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object


Sequence of Events 2 = 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Access Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, POle or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shurbbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant, 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65- Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object


Sequence of Events 3 = 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Access Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, POle or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shurbbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant, 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65- Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object


Sequence of Events 4 = 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Access Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, POle or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shurbbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant, 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65- Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object


Most Harmful Event = 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Access Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, POle or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shurbbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant, 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65- Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object


First Hamrful Event = 40 - Guardrail, 41 - Concrete Barrier, 42 - Cable Barrier, 43 - Crash Cushion, 44 - Guardrail End Section, 45 - Concrete Sloped End Section, 46 - Cable Barrier End Section, 47 - Access Control Cable (retired), 48 - Bridge Rail, 49 - Bridge Peir or Support, 50 - Bridge Overhead Structure, 51 - Traffic Sign Support, 52 - Delineator Post, 53 - Other Post, POle or Support, 54 - Utility Pole/Light Support, 56 - Culvert, 57 - Ditch, 58 - Embankment, 59 - Snow Basin, 60 - Tree/Shurbbery, 61 - Mailbox/Fire Hydrant, 62 - Fence, 63 - Curb, 64 - Fire Hydrant, 65- Mailbox, 66 - Building, 67 - Utility Box, 68 - Other Traffic Barrier, 69 - Other Fixed Object

Right-Turn Involved

Yes/No Field

Vehicle Maneuver = 5 - Turning Right

Left or U-Turn Involved

Yes/No Field

Vehicle Maneuver = 6 - Turning Left, 7 - Making U-Turn

Heavy Truck Involved

Yes/No Field

Motor Vehicle Body Type = 7 - Single Unit Truck, 8 - Single Unit Truck (3 or more axles) (retired), 9 - Truck Tractor, 10 - Truck/Trailer (retired), 11 - Heavy Truck Other, 13 - School Bus, 14 - Bus/Motorcoach (not school) (retired), 18 - RV/Motor Home, 29 - Transit Bus, 30 - Motorcoach, 31 - Other Bus Type, 32 - Construction Equipment

Work Zone Involved

Yes/No Field

Work Zone = 1 - Yes


Workers Present = 1 - Yes


Work Zone Type = 1 - Lane Closure, 2 - Lane Shift/Crossover, 3 - Work on Shouler or Median, 4 - Intermittent or Moving Work, 97 - Other


Work Zone Location = 1 - Before the First Work Zone Warning Sign, 2 - Advanced Warning Area (after the first sign, before the work area), 3 - Transition Area (lanes are shifted or tapered for lane closure), 4 - Activity Area (adjacent to actual work area, active or not), 5 - Termination Area (after activity area, but before normal traffic)


Roadway Contributing Circumstances = 4 - Work Zone (construction/maintenance/utility)


Sequence of Events 1 - 4 = 27 - Work Zone/Maintenance Equipment

Number of Fatalities

Count of People

Injury Level = 5 - Fatal


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian

Number of level 4 Injuries

Count of People

Injury Level = 4 - Suspected Serious Injury


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian

Number of Level 3 Injuries

Count of People

Injury Level = 3 - Suspected Minor Injury


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian

Number of Level 2 Injuries

Count of People

Injury Level = 2 - Possible Injury


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian

Number of Level 1 Injuries

Count of People

Injury Level = 1 - No Injury/PDO


Person Type = 1 - Driver, 2 - Passenger, 3 - Pedestrian, 4 - Pedalcyclist, 5 - Other Pedestrian

100 Deadliest Days

Yes/No Field

Crash Date [Between] 28 May 2010 - 6 Sep 2010, 27 May 2011 - 5 Sep 2011, 25 May 2012 - 3 Sep 2012, 24 May 2013 - 2 Sep 2013, 23 May 2014 - 1 Sep 2014, 22 May 2015 - 7 Sep 2015, 27 May 2016 - 5 Sep 2016, 26 May 2017 - 4 Sep 2017, 25 May 2018 - 3 Sep 2018, 24 May 2019 - 2 Sep 2019, 22 May 2020 - 7 Sep 2020, 28 May 2021 - 6 Sep 2021, 27 May 2022 - 5 Sep 2022

Crash Type

Unique Value

Assign one value to each crash based on the rules. Values are in order, assigned only the first TRUE value.

Assign “Left Turn at Intersection” IF

Intersection Realted = TRUE


Left or U Turn Involved = TRUE


Manner of Collision = 3 - Head On (front to front)

Assign “Mid-Block Urban” IF

Intersection Realted = FALSE


Interstate Highway = FALSE


Area Type = Urban Area, Urban Cluser,


Left or U Turn Involved = True


Manner of Collision = 1 - Angle, 3 - Head On (front to front), 5 - Sideswipe Opposite

Assign “Red Light Running” IF

Intersection Related = TRUE


Manner of Collision = 1 - Angle


Disregard Traffic Control Device = True


V1 Traffic Control Device = 1 - Traffic Control Signal

Assign “Roadway Departure” IF

Roadway Departure = TRUE

Assign “Rural Highway Crossover” IF

Intersection Realted = FALSE


Area Type = Rural


Left or U Turn Involved = TRUE


Manner of Collision = 1 - Angle, 3 - Head On (front to front), 5 - Sideswipe Opposite


Wrong Way Driving = TRUE


Interstate Highway = TRUE

Assign “Wrong Way Driving” IF

Wrong Way Driving = TRUE

Assign “Active Transportation” IF

Pedestrian Involved = TRUE


Cyclist Involved = TRUE

Assign “Motorcycle Involved” IF

Motorcycle Involved = TRUE

Assign “Rear-End” IF

Manner of Collision = 2 - Front to Rear

Assign “Other” IF

No other categories are TRUE

Holiday Crash

Unique Value

Crash Date (include all days based on rules in diagram below)

New Years Day = January 1st

MLK Day = 3rd Monday in January

Presidents Day = 3rd Monday in February

St. Patrick’s Day = March 17th

Easter = varies, see definition

Mothers Day = 2nd Sunday of May

Memorial Day = Last Monday in May

Independence Day = July 4th

Pioneer Day = July 24th

Labor Day = 1st Monday in September

Columbus Day = 2nd Monday in October

Halloween = October 31st

Veterans Day = November 11th

Thanksgiving = 4th Thursday in November

Christmas = December 25th

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