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TDOT - Behavioral Countermeasures
Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over 12 months ago

These Countermeasures are based on NHTSA Countermeasures that Work (Ninth Edition).

The following Countermeasures are available in the AASHTOWare Safety platform and can be used as filters in all AASHTOWare Safety applications. The logic for each countermeasure is documented in the next section.

High Visibility Saturation Patrol – Impairment

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the Impaired driving - Alcohol and Drugs countermeasure.


Alcohol Involved = Yes


Driver Factors Conditions = Any of the following (Has Been Drinking, Illegal Drug Use)


Behavioral Countermeasure Category = High Visibility Saturation Patrol - Impairment

Short-Term, High-Visibility Seat Belt Law Enforcement

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the Short-Term, High-Visibility Seat Bealt Law Enforcement countermeasure.

Safety Equipment = any of the following: “Child Restraint Used Improperly”, “Booster Seat Used Improperly”, “Safety Belt Used Improperly”


Age = equal to or less than age 8

High Visibility Speed Enforcement

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the High Visibility Speed Enforcement countermeasure.

Driver Actions = any of the following: “Speed Too Fast for Conditions”, “Exceeding Posted Speed Limit”, “Racing”

High Visibility Cell Phone and Distracted Driving Enforcement

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the High Visibility Cell Phone and Distracted Driving Enforcement countermeasure.

Driver Actions = any of the following: “Driver Distracted”, “Texting/PDA/Blackberry Distraction”, “GPS Distractions”, “Inattentive (Eating, Reading, Talking, Etc.”

Impaired Pedestrian Patrol

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the Impaired Pedestrian Patrol countermeasure.

Person Type = “Pedestrian”


Non-Motorist Condition = any of the following: “Had Been Drinking”, “Illegal Drug Use”


Non-Motorist Actions = any of the following: “Failure to Obey Traffic Controls”, “Crossing Against Signal”, “Failure To Observe Warnings Or Instructions”, “Failure To Yield Right of Way”, “Darting Running Stumbling Into Road”

Pedestrian Enforcement Strategies

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the Pedestrian Enforcement Strategies countermeasure.

Person Involved = “Yes”


Non-Motorist Actions = any of the following: “Failure To Obey Traffic Controls”, “Crossing Against Signal”, “Failure To Observe Warnings Or Instructions”, “Failure To Yield Right of Way”, “Darting Running Stumbling Into Road”

Bicycle Enforcement Strategies

The following logic is used to determine if crashes would be potentially mitigated by the Bicycle Enforcement Strategies countermeasure.

Person Involved = “Bicyclist”


Non-Motorist Actions = any of the following: “Failure To Signal Intentions”, “Failure To Yield Right of Way”, “Failure To Observe Warnings Or Instructions”, “Crossing Against Signal”, “Failure To Obey Traffic Controls”, “Failure To Keep In Proper Lane”

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