The filter transformation allows for you to include or exclude rows of data based on custom criteria. Like all other Transformations, the filter Transformation can be applied to either a Table or a Dataset.
Follow the steps outlined below to create a filter Transformation:
1. Open the Table or Dataset you would like to transform by clicking on its title, under the Tables or Datasets heading.
2. When the Table or Dataset opens, a sidebar titled Transformations will appear on the left side of the screen. Any existing transformations will be displayed under that heading.
To create a new transformation, click the + in the sidebar (note: if there are several existing transformations currently applied, you will need to scroll down to view the +).
Select Filter from the list that appears. This will open the Filter editor.
3. Name the Filter you would like to create (this helps keep your transformations organized).
4. A Filter allows for you to either remove rows or keep rows that meet the trigger criteria you set.
Select Remove Rows, or Keep Rows from the drop-down list under the Filter heading.
5. Click the + Add Trigger button to create the trigger that will determine which rows are kept (if you selected Keep Rows) or which rows are removed (if you selected Remove Rows).
6. Under the When heading, select the column you would like to evaluate to determine if the row should be deleted (for example, when the value in column A is blank, delete the entire row).
You will then select the condition to apply to that column, and enter the custom filter value to complete the statement.
In the example below, the filter statement is set up as follows: Remove Rows when StateCodes is any of DC. This will remove any row that has the value DC in the StateCodes column.
7. If you would like to add multiple triggers, you can click the + Add Trigger button.
If more than one trigger is added, you will need to determine if either one or all of the triggers need to be fulfilled in order to execute the action. This can be done by selecting And/Or from the drop-down list between the trigger statements. Selecting And indicates that both trigger statements need to be true before the actions will be carried out. Selecting Or indicates that any one of the statements needs to be true for the action to be carried out.
You can delete any unwanted triggers by clicking on the x located to the right of the statement.
8. When your filter criteria are set, click the Publish button in the top right corner to save the transformation. If you wish to cancel this Transformation, click the Revert button in the top right corner.
Once your Transformation has been saved, it will be applied to your Table or Dataset. This process can take several minutes, but once it is complete, the transformed data should show up in your Table or Dataset.
Note - all of the Transformations in Numetric are non-destructive, meaning they do not permanently change the data. Any transformation can be easily undone by deleting it from the list of Transformations, reverting your data to its previously un-transformed state.
Note - all of the Transformations in Numetric are non-destructive, meaning they do not permanently change the data. Any transformation can be easily undone by deleting it from the list of Transformations, reverting your data to its previously un-transformed state.