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Network Screening Intersections - App Overview

This article provides an overview of the Network Screening - Intersections application, its purpose, and the outputs that can be generated.

Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Network Screening - Intersections application is designed to help users rank all intersections in their roadway network in an easy-to-use interface. The Network Screening - Intersections application has 5 key features: Attribute Search, Intersection Flyout, Intersection Ranking, Contextual Data, and the Network Screening - Intersections report. Each feature is discussed in more detail below.

Attribute Search

Use Numetric’s powerful text-to-search feature to run custom intersection network screening requests. Search by recommended countermeasure, crash type, or any other crash or roadway attribute, and generate instant intersection rankings that tell you which intersections require your attention.

View/Modify Date Extents

When conducting a Network Screening, it is easy to see what dates of historical crash data are being used to generate your screening results. By checking the Date Extents, located in the top right corner of the screen, you can see what dates of data are being utilized in your screening. To modify the dates, click on the Date Extents in the menu bar, and select the date range you would like to include in your screening.

(A (Network screening with the date extents indicating crashes from December 2020 - December 2023 are included.)

Map Options

To help select routes, users can use map features such as asset layers, which allow users to overlay various characteristics on the map.

(The asset layer displaying county boundaries)

Intersection Flyout

Clicking on any intersection in your network displays the Intersection flyout, which contains current, and historical intersection rankings, a summary of crash statistics (including number of crashes and fatal (critical) crashes, crash rate), a summary of the roadway details for all intersecting routes (including AADT, function classes, and any other roadway datapoint present in your data), and a list of recommended countermeasures for that intersection.

Within the Intersection Flyout, you can either open that intersection in Crash Query, Predictive Analysis, Safety Analysis or Collision Diagrams.

Open in Crash Query

After clicking on Open in Crash Query this intersection will be opened and displayed in Crash Query, where users can futher investigate crash types occuring at this intersection.

Open in Predictive Analysis

After clicking on Open in Predictive Analysis, users can examine the predicted crashes for this intersection.

Open in Safety Analysis

After clicking on Open in Safety Analysis this intersection will be added to a new Safety Analysis project, where you can add treatments specific to that intersection, and generate a Benefit Cost calculation for the selected treatments.

Open in Collision Diagrams

After clicking Open in Collision Diagrams this intersection will be displayed in the Collision Diagrams application, allowing users to better visualize and understand the different crash types, directions of travel, and crash severities occurring at this intersection.

Intersection Ranking

Rank your selected intersections by:

  • Crashes

  • Fatal Crashes

  • Crash Rate

  • ePDO

  • SPF Prediction*

  • SPF Predicted Rate*

  • EB Expectation*

  • EB Expected Rate*

  • PSI Potential*

  • PSI Potential Rate*

(* indicates that an agency-specific SPF for the intersection type is required for this calculation. SPFs can be generated, and managed through the Predictive Analysis application)

Note: When the application is loaded, only state intersections will be loaded, locally owned and/or maintained intersections will not appear in the ranking until a county or city-specific geofilter is applied. When displayed, locally owned intersections will not receive a state-wide ranking.

(The Intersection ranking table, with all intersections ranked by Crash Rate. Users can sort and rank their intersections by any listed column of data.)

Contextual Data

With photos and Google Streetview, users can explore selected intersections, and even see how each intersection has changed over time, all without leaving the app.

(Examining an intersection through the built-in google Streetview explorer in the Intersection sidebar)

Limiting Values

Each ranking criteria can be modified to include a limited ranking value. When defined, only intersections with a value that meets or exceeds the defined minimum value will be displayed in the ranking table, and screening map. By default each value is set to 0, meaning that every intersection will be displayed. To modify the limiting value, click the Settings button located in the top right corner of the screen, next to the Save button, and enter the minimum value for the desired ranking criteria.

(The Settings flyout with the Limiting Values displayed. In this example, a minimum number of crashes is being defined as 3, meaning only intersections with 3 or more crashes will display.)

Network Screening Downloads

Network Screening - Intersections supports three download options: Report (.pdf), Worksheet (.xlsx), and Geometry zip (.kmz). All of these download options are available under the Download icon, located in the top right corner of the screen.

(The Downloads dropdown, displaying the three different download options.)

Report Download

Using the Report Download, you can generate a downloadable network screening - Intersection report which contains the intersection ranking, and a breakdown of each intersection, including the crash rate, fatality rate, and serious rate, as well as a stacked bar chart indicating the severity of crash and the route on which it occurred for each intersection.

(Sample Network Screening - Intersection Report displaying the Intersection rankings of roads that would benefit from left turn phasing changes in a given county, ranked by Crash Rate.)

Worksheet Download

The Worksheet download allows you to download the entire ranking table of all intersections that meet your screening criteria as an Excel spreadsheet file, including all the columns of data included in your ranking table. Within the application, the table will only display the top 100 intersections, however, the downloaded Worksheet will include all intersections that meet the filter criteria of your network screening.

(The worksheet download for a given screening, including the additional columns of Intersection Type, Number of Legs, Region, Rail Presence, and Skew Presence.)

Geometry Zip Download

The Geometry Zip download allows you to download a .kmz file containing the intersection locations from your screening. Like the Worksheet Download, the Geometry download includes all intersections that meet your filter criteria, as well as all columns of data present in your ranking table. This .kmz file can then be loaded into any mapping application.

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