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Collision Diagrams - App Overview
Greg Olsen avatar
Written by Greg Olsen
Updated over 3 months ago

Collision Diagrams Reference Articles

For help editing crash records to correctly map in Collision Diagrams, reference the following articles:

Collision Diagrams App Overview

The Collision Diagrams application allows users to generate collision diagrams for intersections utilizing the available crash and vehicle data for their agency. Users can use the Collision Diagrams application to view trends and problem areas for an intersection, details of each crash, review the crash narrative and even edit the crash data to more accurately reflect the crash narrative. Collision Diagrams is broken into two main sections: the Collision Diagram, and the Collision Explorer. Additionally, users can download a Collision Diagram Report. Each of these sections will be discussed in more detail below.

Collision Diagram

The collision diagram section displays all collisions for the selected intersection superimposed on a simplified intersection diagram. Each collision is grouped into a Collision Cluster indicating the estimated crash location, travel direction, and manner of collision. Each Collision Cluster contains an icon indicating the manner of collision, the number of collisions, as well as a color-coding indicating the severity distribution of the crashes.

(A collision Diagram of a given intersection, with various Collision Clusters indicating the estimated location, direction of travel, manner of collision, and number and severity of crashes.)

Users can customize street names in a collision diagram by selecting the pencil icon next to the default street name and renaming it.

(The pencil icons next to street names allow users to customize the street names that appear in their collision diagram.)

(The pop-up box that appears in Collision Diagrams to edit a street name.)

Crash Filters in Collision Diagrams

Crash filters can be added to a collision diagram by clicking on the top filter bar and applying filters.

The filter bar in Collision Diagrams.

(A collision diagram of a given intersection with the “# of injuries = 0” filter applied. The collision diagram displays various Collision Clusters with no injuries that indicate the estimated location, direction of travel, manner of collision, and number and severity of crashes; with this filter applied, each crash displayed has a crash severity of “O.”)

Collision Explorer

Clicking on a Collision Cluster will open the Collision Explorer sidebar. The sidebar contains a high-level overview of the crashes that make up the selected Collision Cluster, including Year, Weather Conditions, Light Conditions, and other data points associated with the crashes.

(The Collision Explorer sidebar displaying the overview statistics for a selected Collision Cluster.)

Users can also view crash-level data under the Details tab of the Collision Explorer sidebar. From here users can review details regarding each crash in the selected Collision Cluster, including crash and vehicle data, as well as the crash narrative. Users can even elect to exclude the crash from the diagram.

(The Collision Explorer sidebar displaying the crash details for a selected Collision Cluster.)

Users may also edit various fields in the Details tab of the Collision Explorer sidebar. (Note: depending on the permissions of the user, the edits may only be applied to the saved query, and not be reflected throughout the rest of the Numetric applications. Users with the Edit Crash Data User Role will be able to do a non-destructive edit of the crash data, which will be displayed through the rest of the Numetric applications. More information about data editing can be found in the Editing Crash Data article.) The following fields are editable in the Collision Diagrams application:

  • Manner of Collision

  • First Harmful Event

  • Travel Direction

  • Vehicle Maneuver

(The Narrative and Attributes section of Collision Diagrams. Note the crash narrative on the left side of the screen, the editable fields located in the center, and the edit and comment history on the right.)

Collision Diagram Report

With an intersection selected, users can save a Collision Diagram Report, as a downloadable PDF containing the Collision Diagram representation, a satellite image of the intersection, Google Streetview thumbnail of the intersection, as well as various crash counts, and crash metrics related to the selected intersection.

(A preview of the Collision Diagram Intersection Report.)

View Metrics & Raw Table

To view a detailed breakdown of the crash data, including custom metrics, and a raw table download, click the View Metrics & Raw Table link in the right sidebar.

(Selecting the “View Metrics & Raw Table” option displays the Metrics sidebar on the right side of the screen.)

The Metrics sidebar will appear on the right side of the screen. Here you can view the summary data for all crashes at the selected intersection. You can customize the metrics being displayed by clicking the Manage Metrics link in the top right of the flyout. From here you can add, remove, or re-order the metrics.

(The Metrics sidebar)

Clicking on the Raw Table tab in the sidebar will allow you to view and download the raw crash data for each crash at the selected intersection. Clicking on each crash will open the crash flyout.

(The Raw Table)

Excluding and Including Crashes in a Diagram

From the Raw Table, you can exclude a crash from the diagram by unchecking the box next to the crash. This will prompt you to enter a reason for removing the crash and allow that crash to be excluded from your diagram.

(The Exclude Crash popup)

To include a crash that has been previously excluded, you can either re-check the box next to the excluded crash, or click on the exclusion summary at the top of the raw table.

(The un-checked box of a removed crash, and the Exclusion Summary message on the Raw Table Tab)

To include a crash that was originally not assigned to the selected intersection, click the Include Crash icon above the Raw Table.

This will open the Include Crash popup. From here, you can enter the Crash ID of the crash you would like to include in your diagram, as well as a reason for why this crash is being included in the diagram. Click Include, and the crash will now appear in your diagram.

(The Include Crash popup, with the Crash ID entered, and the reason for adding the crash selected.)

Note that any crashes included or excluded in the Diagram will be identified in the Collision diagrams report.

(The Collision Diagram report illustrating the added and excluded crashes.)

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